The Chernobyl Greater Cause

The Greater Chernobyl Cause

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The Greater Chernobyl Cause and its work has featured prominently in both regional, national and international publications over recent years.

The Greater Chernobyl Cause Commemorative Service 26th April 2013 Bishop Lucey Park Cork

Commemorating the 27th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster


26TH APRIL 2013


Sequence of events


11.30am_Greater Chernobyl Cause Introduction

11.40am_Opening Ceremony Hon. Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr John Buttimer

11.50am_Address by His Excellency Sergii Reva Ukrainian Embassy in Ireland

11.55am_Address by His Excellency Maxim Peshkov Russian Embassy in Ireland

12.00am_Poetry Reading

12.10am_Ecumenical Service

12.20pm_ Evgenia Nesterenko Trophy- Claudia Long  Presentation Secondary School Ballyphehane

12.25pm_Address by Dan Boyle

12.30pm_School Choir

12.40pm_Roll Call- Victims of Chernobyl & Candle Light

12.45pm_Minute Silence

12.46pm_Releasing of Whites Doves

12.50pm_Last Post-Bugle-Lower Flag to Half Mast

12.55pm_Laying wreath at Chernobyl Birch Garden

Friday (April 26) marks the 27th anniversary of the world’s biggest nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. Lest we forget the catastrophic chain of events that followed, the city of Cork is to hold a special commemorative ceremony.


Among those taking part will be the Lord Mayor, the Ukrainian Ambassador HE Sergii Reva, H.E. Mr. Maxim Peshkov Russian Ambassador to Ireland, City Cllrs, representatives from the Navy, Fire Brigade, Defence Force, public as well as school groups who will witness the symbolic release of a number of white doves.  The ceremony arranged by the Cork-based Greater Chernobyl Cause charity begins at 11.30 am at Bishop Lucey Park Grand Parade Cork . There is an open  invitation for all to attend.


Poetry reading, singing by a school choir, an ecumenical service and the laying of a wreath at the Chernobyl Birch Garden all form part of the event. Candles will also be lit as a roll call of some of the victims of the 1986 disaster is read out. A minute’s silence will be observed before the playing of the Last Post and a flag is lowered to half mast. Cork’s Lord Mayor, Councillor Terry Shannon and the Ukrainian Ambassador to Ireland, HE Sergi Reva, and H.E. Mr. Maxim Peshkov Russian Ambassador to Ireland, will address the assembled crowds.


Fiona Corcoran, founder of The Greater Chernobyl Cause, insists:  “This anniversary marks the starting point – not the limit – of the Chernobyl catastrophe which continues to unfold even today. Chernobyl is not in the past. Its repercussions are still being felt by some five million people living in areas of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia who were contaminated as a result of the accident. They have to cope with the ongoing political, social, environmental and health consequences of the disaster.”Many are still haunted by fears over the safety of nuclear energy, especially following the recent tsunami and earthquake in Japan.


Estimates of deaths directly attributable to the disaster vary from four thousand to well over a hundred thousand and doctors have expressed their concern about an increase in cancers and blood diseases among a new generation of children living on the edge of the strictly imposed exclusion zones. At the site of the disaster, Reactor No4 now lies eerily silent … so too, the other three reactors, as work continues on decommissioning and on replacing a crumbling and leaking sarcophagus built to contain tons of radioactive dust and debris. The now deserted and ghostly city of Pripyat was built to house many of the plant’s workers and their families. In all, 50,000 people were evacuated. Told they would be returning in a few days, they left all their possessions behind. In one school classroom pencils and jotters pupils had been using on the day before the explosion are scattered on the floors.


Government officials were totally irresponsible  They allowed the children to go outside when rain was falling from the sky and knowing that the land was contaminated.’ Elderly villagers now defy the authorities are still growing vegetables just a few kilometres from the site despite the dangers of contamination. The Greater Chernobyl Cause’s main emphasis is on providing help and life saving medical equipment for the long term victims of the disaster and the growing number of children who are being diagnosed with cancer, leukaemia and acute respiratory infections. Many of them come from contaminated areas on the edge of the exclusion zones.


The charity supports a rehabilitation centre and the Radiological Hospital in Kiev where hundreds of patients are clamouring to be seen every day. Their hopes rest on more modern equipment to deal with cancers and other illnesses. The Greater Chernobyl Cause’s projects include building care centres, renovating hospitals, supporting clinics, the homeless etc The Greater Chernobyl Cause has helped thousands in the wake of the disaster and last year, Fiona was awarded Ukraine’s highest humanitarian award, The Order of Princess Olga from  The President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.


“Our work must continue. Without substantial outside help what hope can there be for a generation of alienated and abandoned children? I urge you to please make a donation so that more young lives can be saved.’ Concluded Fiona Corcoran.