The Chernobyl Greater Cause

The Greater Chernobyl Cause

News Archive

The Greater Chernobyl Cause and its work has featured prominently in both regional, national and international publications over recent years.

Rolo The Clown to run the Dublin City Marathon



My dear friends

Please meet “Rolo The Clown”! Well, Rolo used to have the biggest smile the world could offer but this year the bricks of his happiness began to fall one by one until his smile faded away.

But thanks to the love and care of his many friends and family, they helped pick up Rolo and shouldered him back to a world of smiles and laughter.

So now he wants to give something back to all the people who suffer in silence from losing their smile and thinking that there is no end to the road… Yes, there is!

So next Monday Rolo is going to run the Dublin City Marathon for all his friends at The Greater Chernobyl Cause